Hi and welcome! 👋 I’m Ferdinand, a passionate software- and data engineer and technology enthusiast from Karlsruhe, Germany. My personal webpage is the right place to find out about me and my projects and to read about software development, DevOps, some machine learning and technology in general. All content you will find here is human-written. Enjoy and feel free to leave me a message!
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PGP: 8026 43D5 EC1F 292A 69D2 8699 21B2 4C0F 6C75 F6CF
⛺️ Server.Camp: Friendly SaaS hosting of popular open-source software tools for startups and small companies, built by developers.
📊 Wakapi: A minimalistic, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics written in Go.
🐳 MailWhale: A bring-your-own-SMTP-server mail relay with REST API and web UI, built with Go and Svelte.
🤖 Telepush: A simple Telegram Bot to translate POST requests with JSON payload into Telegram push messages. Written in Go.
🐙 KITSquid: KITSquid is an independent, alternative course catalog for KIT students, including course recommendations and other community features. Open-source and written in Go.
⚓️ Anchr.io: A toolbox service for maintaining bookmark collections, shortening links and uploading and sharing images encryptedly.
⚓️ Anchr for Android: An Android app, build with Dart and Flutter, to manage links and bookmarks using Anchr.io on your mobile device.
✏️ MiniNote: A simple, persistent, self-hosted Markdown note-taking app built with VueJS.
🤓 QuizNerd for Android: A multi-player trivia Android game made for developers and IT enthusiasts.
💰 Telegram ExpenseBot: A Telegram bot to manage your daily expenses and keep track of your financial situation.